Here on board led and push buttons are used .In this program when pressing push button led will be turn on
void setup()
pinMode(PF_0, INPUT_PULLUP); //push button 1
pinMode(PF_1,OUTPUT); //blue led
pinMode(PF_4, INPUT_PULLUP); //push button 2
pinMode(PF_2,OUTPUT); //red led
void loop()
if(digitalRead(PF_0)==0) //checks whether pushbutton 1 is on
digitalWrite(PF_1,HIGH); //turn on blue led ,if pushbutton 1 is pressed
else {digitalWrite(PF_1,LOW);}
if(digitalRead(PF_4)==0) //checks whether pushbutton 2 is on
digitalWrite(PF_2,HIGH); //turn on red led ,if pushbutton 2 is pressed
else {digitalWrite(PF_2,LOW);}