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By Jackson Taylor

his program for interfacing Arduino with ultra sonic sensor with Arduino.
Technical Details
1.Working Voltage : 5V(DC)
2.Static current: Less than 2mA.
3.Output signal: Electric frequency signal, high level 5V, low level 0V.
4.Sensor angle: Not more than 15 degrees.
5.Detection distance: 2cm-450cm.
6.High precision: Up to 0.3cm
 7.Input trigger signal: 10us TTL impulse
8.Echo signal : output TTL PWM signal
Mode of connection:
speed of sound = 340.29 m/sec.
Here the total distance travelled by sound = sum of
distance from sensor to object and object to sensor.
But both are same . so we need only one distance.
then speed become 170.15 m/sec.
converts m/sec to cm/microseconds.
then (170*100)/1000000 = 0.01715cm/us.
from above equation time taken to
travel distance 1CM= 1/0.01715cm = 58.3us.
then distance = duration of received pulse / 58.3
 HC-SR04 Ping distance pinouts to arduno:
 VCC to arduino 5v
 GND to arduino GND
 Echo to Arduino pin 7
 Trig to Arduino pin 8
 result 0 indicates out of range condition
char g[4];unsigned int a,duration;
#define echoPin PE_4 // Echo Pin
#define trigPin PD_2 // Trigger Pin
void setup()
 Serial.begin (9600);
 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
void loop()
 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); //sends signal 10 us to excite ultra sonic sensor
 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);//reads  duartion pulse in Microseconds
 a = duration/58;
 Serial.write(‘D’); //it indicate start of data.Not necessary
 Serial.print(g); //distance in CM
 Serial.write(0xd); //new line
 delay(50); //Delay 50ms before next reading.
void inttoascii ()
g[3]=’ ‘;
g[0]=a/100%10+0x30;//MSB section

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